It's not work. It's our passion.
We're looking for talented, compassionate animal lovers to help improve the lives of animals in our own, local communities.
Everything we do is centered on our mission, vision and core values.
The mission of the Kalamazoo Humane Society is to foster an environment of respect, responsibility, and compassion for all animals through education, pet population control and leadership.

The Kalamazoo Humane Society will remain as a leader for animal advocacy by:
Maintaining and nurturing collaborative efforts with other animal groups.
Creating a central location for all program and resource needs.
Providing a technical center that ensures innovative programs, outreach and education to meet community needs.
Establishing an environment where no healthy adoptable pet is destroyed.
We believe all life has value.
We hold central the welfare and care of animals.
We will maintain a reputation of credibility and trust.
We will practice sound business principles.