If you're enjoying this weather as much as we are, you understand that it just isn't safe for our clients to be driving from all over SW Michigan and waiting alongside our building in record-low temps.
We are going to be reaching out to all of our clients scheduled for Wednesday, January 30, 2019 to reschedule. We understand that this could cause inconvenience, but we are unable to accommodate our clients in our small lobby, and we also cannot have you standing outside while you wait, leaving us with no other choice but to cancel surgeries.
Our entire office will be closed, as well as our pet food bank. We plan to resume on Thursday, weather permitting.
Keep up on all of our activity and program changes by signing up for email or text alerts at WWMT. Find out more about that here --> https://www.kazoohumane.org/blog/get-text-alerts-when-khs-closes